Jeff Landry, the governor of Louisiana, has been stirring a hornets’ nest recently by promoting...

Recently I have written about the Ten Commandments being mandated in the public schools of...

How much influence, if any, should the Bible have on American public policy? There is...

This year happens to be the 250th anniversary of the beginning of the first Congress...

Chaotic Cranium

Like you, I have had much on my mind.  So much so, that I have struggled to eliminate the clutter and bring clarity to the meaningful and true.  My mind is perpetually revving at the red line.  I enjoy the […]

Bowling AnALLEYgy.

Imagine that you are competing for the national championship in bowling.  You are the reigning champion.  Your skills and style have never been seen before and you’ve drawn massive crowds at every event leading up to this final match.  Now [&#823...

Leaky Eyes

I was reading the book of Daniel again this morning and I came across a verse that directly assaulted my tear ducts.  I stopped and read it again.  Then I read it again.  After that, I decided to re-read it.  […]

Left-Behind Laundry

I’m sure we’ve all seen images of neatly folded piles of clothes left behind by those who are caught up during the rapture of the church. Some believe it. Some mock it. Some think the rapture itself is just a […]