Most Recent Programs

Vocal Point-Mark Koch

Topic: Encouraging Men to be More Christlike. One of the great challenges of our time...

Vocal Point-Emily Osment

Topic: The Right to Life of the Declaration of Independence Versus Today’s Left. Our Declaration...

Vocal Point-Craig Huey

Topic: Christians and Voting. In America, we get the government we deserve. If you don’t...

Topic: Shroud Interview – Part 3 In the colonial days, there was a common practice...

Most Recent Programs

Rob Pacienza continues a series on the book of Romans.

Rob Pacienza continues a series on the book of Romans.

Rob Pacienza continues a series on the book of Romans.

Rob Pacienza begins a series on the book of Romans.


P.O. Box 15008
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33318


